recently welcomed new Blogger Jay "Ursus" Pateman to our team and
heard his great Story. Then he went on to start his "Strength Icons"
section on Lee Moran .. Most people enjoyed the read and look out for Jay`s
next "Strength Icon" really soon ..
Next i am proud to announce our next
member to the VikingR team is Richard Sennewald or "Little Sen" to
his friends .. Little Sen is actually training partners with Laurence Shahlaei
and Big Loz was crowned Britains Strongest Man at the weekend.. I asked for
Little Sen to give me a outline of how their gym worked and the charecters
behind Big Loz, behind every champion there are good people ..
"Little Sen"
I also
asked Little Sen about his road into Strength Sports and what his abitions and
experiances are ..
So here
you go
New VikingR Team Member
"Little Sen"
Age: 25
Height/Weight: 6’1 , 105kg
Trains at: Gloucester Strongman Gym and CityGym Worcester.
How I got into training:
I grew up as a bit of a fat-geeky kid, I played sports but was more interested
in my SNES than running around… at about the age of 19 I realised I was pretty
tubby… so I went onto ebay and bought an olympic bar and 180kilos of plates…
Being a bit of a geek, has been a blessing for me in my training, I realised
from an early point that If I wanted to look good, I needed to lose weight ,
that meant using up alot of energy when I trained.
quickly concluded that the best way for me to use a lot of energy was to do the
exercises that I could
move the
most weight in… because that uses more energy right?
So I started using my back and legs all the time, rowing, deadlifting,
cleaning, sprinting, jumping anything that required me to really really try
hard to move the weight over and over again…
I spent my first few years of training… not really knowing what I was doing in
terms of a programme but without knowing it I was doing Tabata training,
pyramid training and all-sorts in an effort to lose weight… and it worked.
Chicks started to look at me…
Then, from the ages of about 20-23, I had a long hiatus from really focusing on
my training as I had to take up multiple jobs to get myself through my
education – as I mentioned I am and always have been a geek, I am in-fact a
I landed work in a few local gyms in the Plymouth area where I went to
university but I used to get into frequent squabbles with the PT’s and
Instructors… we had… conflicting views on training clients to say the least ;)
I hit up my first competition in April 2011; I jumped right into competing and
entered a local open competition in the Midlands – I landed 6th out
of 12 people and absolutely loved it!
How I got into Writing:
Since that time I spent in Plymouth; I’ve developed a passion for cutting
through the bullshit that surrounds training that I was subject to on a daily
basis and have written for a couple of nutrition companies and have been
honoured to work alongside some of the UK’s leading sports Nutritionist as an advisor
and guest blogger.
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and befriending some great people in this
sport such as current up and comer Sebastian Iwaniakand current WSM competitor
Laurence Shahlaei, who I train with regularly now.
And now? I have the pleasure Joining the VikingR team; something I am really
looking forward to being involved in. You could say, I am one rather content
little geek.
What could be better for a huge nerd like me, than writing about, reading about
and talking about strongman, Olympic lifting, competitions and gym equipment
and clothing in my spare time!?
Not much… really… not much at all.
I look forward to writing for you all.

Welcome to the our Gym
did you choose the gym you train at? – Why I chose Gloucester’s Strongman
Warehouse Gym.
Nestled somewhere in the centre of Gloucester, (conveniently just around the
corner from the hospital) is one true Gem of a “gym” – the kind you rarely see
It doesn’t rake in a profit – in fact it barely survives, paid for by a small
group of dedicated members who have kept it “open” for going on 6 years now,
there are no floor staff – no papers and no water-coolers to relax by, this
place doesn’t even have a name anymore, it’s just… “the gym in Gloucester” or
sometimes, “The Whey” – named after the business that used to be ran from the
unit it is situated in.
Each member carries a key and knows the combination to the outside lock, each
member sweeps up the dust and cleans the plates away, because the kit belongs
to them and is paid for by them.
The small compound in Gloucester is supported purely by its members love for
all things strength related.
do I LOVE having a place I can call “my own”?
The atmosphere; the members here keep the gym open for the love of it.
There is no spare money floating around to spend on anything more than the
absolute essentials; no frills – no distractions, no “multi-function
selectorized, off-cam bi-axis uni-lateral”… whatever here… just cold dense
stones and steel, waiting to be conquered, no one cares what your max lift is,
no one cares how many reps you can perform…
If you asked the team what they wanted Santa to bring them for Christmas this
year?... it’d probably be a glute-ham raise or a new axle.
It’s a tight knit group, we know each other’s max lifts and when to push each
other… if you are slacking – we know… we know each other’s competition
schedule… if you are not on target, we will put you back on target, we know
each other’s supplement routines, hell we even know each other’s favourite
sexual positions… I’ve rubbed tiger balm into places you wouldn’t even go on a
third date....
We are the ultimate training partners and when we say “six at the yard” you bet
we are going to be there at six.
We go to each other’s competitions, we grab food after training together, we
ARE the best training partners you could ask for.
If you want to train at Gloucester, you’ve just got to want to train hard
whatever your level.
Such a simple gym has produced some great lifters over the last few years.
Our gym is home to a number of well-known characters in the strength sports
scene, if you join us for a weekend session, it’s very likely you will see a plethora
of the friendliest faces in the strength scene, below are just a few of our
loyal members who you might bump into:
Iwaniak; current Englands strongest man competitor (U105kg),
Seb, is one of THE best and most reliable training partners I have ever had,
when he is not training like a beast, he is forcing me to train like a beast,
we train Mondays/Tuesdays with conditioning work and movement events and on
weekends we just do events training in the yard.
Shahlaei: Current WSM competitor.
I almost feel bad training with Loz; I can’t say I’d be impressed we had to
swap over 150kilos of plates each set when deadlifting (but I have been
reassured it’s not a problem J ), but again Loz
is one of the most encouraging and knowledgeable guys in the sport, a training
session with Loz and Seb, is worth its weight in gold and I always feel very
privileged to train with both of them.
Again; we usually train a Monday or Tuesday and a weekend session – when Loz’s
busy schedule allows.
Mckinless: Previous 105kg Britain’s strongest man champion.
Although I do not get the pleasure of training with Nick often – due to his
busy schedule see Nick as Loz’s right-hand man; he has helped loz plenty over
the years, from setting him on the right path with his training in the
beginning, to working with him on current training and specialisation
From my brief time with Nick, he seems to be a serious no-shit kind of guy who
trains possessed.
He is also a bloody nice bloke as well.
We also have many other well-known faces making occasional appearances, such as
European Grip Champion Steve Gardener – who along with David Horne heavily
influenced our collection of grip kit, Dave Whittington – 2011 England’s
strongest man finalist and Kye Thomas… possibly more infamous than famous, but
a top bloke none-the-less.
a “private gym” has helped me improve:
Now, don’t get me wrong… I still train in “commercial gyms” – in fact I
have “lucked out” recently in that my commercial gym in town – is getting
strongman kit in over the next few weeks and opening a whole new section up…
I’ve trained in many a good commercial gym…
But honestly; I find it hard to tune-out and focus in a commercial gym, they
can be rife with distractions, from “overheard bullshit” to people
vibro-squatting your max for reps next to you using the worst technique and 5
neck-cushions, or to ignore the constant interruptions from… well meaning… but
annoying patrons questioning everything you do.
I don’t have the time to explain why I don’t give a crap that a 3 count squeeze
will help my Bi’s peak or, I’d feel it in my shoulders more if I used less
weight and no leg drive on my overheads…
Also, I like to use chalk… lots and lots of chalk.
In “my gym”5 mins on the rower
is not a warm-up, we know and fear “the stick” and we all know “what muscle
that works”
Since joining a private gym – I have been able to do the Oh-so-simple things
that we often cannot do, in a commercial gym…
I’ve improved my deadlift through varying block heights and the use of bands –
I can now pull my old max without hitching and I am faster off the floor than
I was introduced to Knee wraps, I can now handle over 60kilos more than I first
could, and that is for reps, my yoke is better and my farmers is effortless…
Everything is better!
I am surrounded by experienced and friendly lifters who won’t bullshit you, and
tell you “that is deep enough” or ignore that your knees are caving in on your
squat, no one rides the bar shouting “all you! All you!”
I encourage people to take just one session a week in a private or warehouse
style gym that has a crew of Olympic lifters or strongmen or power lifters
training there and NOT be inspired, not to improve and not to have a damn good
time training there too.
We have a whole host of other regular faces through the doors on
weekends where the yard is a transformed into a place to socialise between
heavy log presses or get your nose down and do prowler and yoke walk medleys
until you puke.
Everyone is welcome on a Saturday, so get in-touch and pay us a visit!
Designed By Strength
Athletes For Strength Athletes